Five ways lockers can improve wellbeing at work

May 15, 2018|

Already got lockers in the office? Then make them work harder. Thinking about buying lockers? Just do it! Don’t underestimate the peace of mind employees can get from having somewhere to keep their personal items.

We recently participated in some research about wellness at work where we found that the desire for personal space amongst employees was high. Enhancing the provision of individual storage is one simple way of giving employees what they need.

  1. Keep colleagues at bay
    In in our recent wellness at work research, we found that colleagues encroaching on personal space is the second biggest distraction in the workplace. Stop distraction creeping into frustration by giving everyone a place to keep magazines, pens and those 3pm emergency snacks.

  2. Create zones
    Nearly half of our survey respondents said their workplace does not enable them to be as productive as they can be. So why not experiment with reconfiguring banks of lockers to create traffic barriers which make new working areas away from desk-based distractions.
  3. Respect personal space
    Sometimes we like to keep our distance; and our research showed a clear link between personal space and wellness at work. In an age of desk sharing, lockers can give employees a space to control and own; a little part of the office that is just theirs.
  4. Activate control
    We asked survey respondents what they would change about their workplace storage (see image below) – have you? Our research found that act of consulting staff is a major differentiator between high and low performing companies. You might be surprised what you hear, wants could be as simple as a change in ownership or a little remodelling.

  5. Help people feel at home
    Workplace design impacts the decision to stay with an employer for nearly half of the survey respondents, so make the workplace work for employees. While you’re in the process of giving everyone access to a secure locker, make them look good. Use a mixture of colors and materials to reflect company culture and give employees the freedom to personalise with photos and internal accessories.

Take a look at all our locker options

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